10 Disruptive Real Estate Technology Trends to Watch Out for

two men concluding a real estate sale

The real estate industry has traditionally been slower to embrace technology compared to some other industries. However, in recent years, there has been a significant shift towards integrating technology into various aspects of the real estate sector. This shift is driven by the increasing demand for efficiency, transparency and convenience in property transactions.

Several factors have contributed to the slower adoption of technology in real estate. First, the industry is known for its complex and fragmented nature. Real estate transactions involve multiple parties, and coordinating and integrating technology across all these stakeholders has presented challenges due to the lack of standardized processes and systems.

Other factors include the fact that real estate is heavily regulated, and compliance with local laws and regulations is paramount and also the high financial stakes associated with real estate transactions have made professionals more risk-averse.

However, the real estate industry has recognized the need to adapt and leverage technology to meet the changing expectations of clients and stay competitive.

Key Takeaways
  • The real estate industry has been slower than other industries in incorporating technology but this is slowly changing due to an increased demand for efficiency and transparency in property transactions
  • Real estate technology refers to the application of technology and innovation to the real estate industry
  • Among the technology trends that have disrupted the real estate industry include: Real estate management software, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) and use of drones

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What is Real Estate Technology?

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Real estate technology, often referred to as "proptech" (property technology), refers to the application of technology and innovation to the real estate industry.

It involves the development and use of various digital tools, software, platforms and apps to improve and transform different aspects of the real estate lifecycle, including buying and selling, property search, development, management and transactions.

Disruptive Real Estate Technology Trends

Whether you're a professional in the real estate business, an investor or a real estate buyer or seller, here are ten disruptive real estate tech trends that you need to be aware of.

1. Real Estate Management Software

woman online watching trends

Real estate management software is a tool that helps property owners easily manage customers as well as their real estate online.

Real estate management software platforms offer a comprehensive suite of tools and features such as:

  • Efficient management of leases
  • Financial management
  • Tracking of maintenance and repairs
  • Tenant communication
  • Reporting

The use of real estate management software in real estate helps to centralize data and eliminate manual tasks, thus saving time and money and improving efficiency.

Examples of real estate management software include Appfolio, Buildium and Tenant Cloud.

2. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

woman experiencing VR real estate

For Millennials and Gen Zs, a display of photos and videos of a property may not be enough for them to be convinced to acquire property and close real estate deals. A virtual tour of a property where they can interact with virtual objects, at the comfort of their own space is what will cut it for these two groups.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are transforming the way properties are marketed, viewed and experienced in the real estate market today. AR enhances the real world by overlaying digital information, such as property details, furniture placement or design options, onto the physical environment. This allows potential buyers or tenants to envision the potential of a property and make more informed decisions.

VR on the other hand, provides immersive experiences by creating entirely virtual environments. With VR, users can explore properties as if they were physically present, even if they are located miles away. This technology is particularly valuable for remote buyers or investors who want to assess properties without the need for physical visits.

Real estate firms and professionals are now leveraging AR and VR to offer virtual tours of different properties, allowing potential buyers or tenants to virtually explore properties remotely and visualize design options.

Zillow, an online real estate tech company has been among the earliest users of AR and VR. Their 3D home viewing tool offers immersive property tours to potential clients.

3. Internet of Things

man on the internet

Internet of Things (IoT) involves connecting various devices and systems to the internet, enabling them to communicate and share data. IoT can be applied to create smart buildings and homes that are equipped with connected devices and sensors.

In real estate, IOT can be useful in:

  • Installing smart thermostats that regulate temperature settings based on occupancy, thus optimizing energy usage and reducing utility costs.
  • Use of security systems that offer enhanced monitoring and surveillance for property owners who can remotely monitor their premises.
  • Smart lighting systems that can automatically adjust lighting levels based on natural light and occupancy, improving energy efficiency.
  • Predictive maintenance, which enables early detection of potential issues in equipment or infrastructure before they lead to costly failures.
  • Enhancing the tenant experience by integrating smart homes with voice assistants, allowing residents to control various functions through voice commands.

4. Artificial Intelligence

woman trying AI

In 2023, it is reported that 37% of businesses and organizations globally use AI and this number is set to increase. In real estate, AI is proving to be useful in things like processing large volumes of data on property listings, market trends, historical sales data and demographic information, to extract valuable insights and generate accurate predictions.

AI is also useful in these ways:

  • Property search and recommendation systems. Thanks to AI, buyers and tenants can easily find properties that align with their specific requirements because of personalized property recommendations based on their search patterns.
  • In property management, AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can handle tenant inquiries, provide information and assist with routine tasks, reducing the burden on property managers and improving response times.
  • Optimizing maintenance schedules, predicting equipment failure and automating workflow processes, therefore resulting in efficient property management operations.
  • AI can also assist in risk assessment and investment decision-making. By analyzing historical data and market trends, AI algorithms can identify potential investment opportunities, assess risk factors and provide recommendations for real estate investors. This enables investors to make informed decisions and maximize their returns.

5. Big Data Analytics

big data female engineer

The real estate sector generates massive amounts of data such as property information and financial transactions and big data analytics utilizes advanced algorithms and techniques to analyze this data and extract meaningful patterns, correlations and predictions.

By making use of big data analytics, real estate companies and professionals can make more accurate market predictions, identify emerging trends and assess investment opportunities with greater precision.

Use of big data analytics can be useful in:

  • Empowering both prospective buyers and sellers analyze historical sales data in order to make data-driven decisions and optimize their investments.
  • Marketing and customer segmentation for real estate professionals. By analyzing customer behavior, preferences and demographics, real estate agents can tailor their marketing campaigns and reach the right audience with personalized messaging.
  • Enhancing operational efficiency in real estate. By analyzing data related to property management, occupancy rates, maintenance schedules and energy usage, property managers can identify areas for improvement, with the help of property management software.

6. Blockchain

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With cyber security being a huge concern among many people today, the use of blockchain technology could revolutionize the real estate industry by providing transparency and security in real estate transactions.

Blockchain is a decentralized and distributed ledger technology that allows for secure and immutable record-keeping of transactions.

In real estate, blockchain is being used to streamline various processes, such as property ownership verification, title transfers and smart contracts. By leveraging blockchain, property records can be securely stored and accessed, reducing the risk of fraud and improving the transparency of ownership history. This eliminates the need for intermediaries and simplifies the transfer of property titles, making transactions more efficient and cost-effective.

Smart contracts. In addition, blockchain-based smart contracts enable automated and self-executing agreements. These contracts are stored on the blockchain, and their terms and conditions are automatically enforced when predefined conditions are met. Smart contracts eliminate the need for traditional paper-based contracts and intermediaries, reducing the potential for disputes and saving time and costs associated with contract execution.

Fractional ownership and real estate tokenization . Blockchain technology also enables fractional ownership and real estate tokenization. Through tokenization, real estate assets can be divided into digital tokens, allowing for greater liquidity and accessibility to investors. Fractional ownership enables smaller investors to participate in real estate investments, thereby democratizing access to the market.

7. Use of Drones

drone for real estate

Drones, equipped with high-resolution cameras, are being used today to capture aerial images and videos of properties, providing a unique perspective and enhancing marketing materials. These visuals help potential buyers or tenants to get a comprehensive view of the property and its surroundings.

Beyond marketing, drones are also utilized for property inspections. They can efficiently survey rooftops and other inaccessible areas, eliminating the need for manual inspections that are time-consuming and may involve safety risks. Drones equipped with thermal imaging sensors can even identify energy inefficiencies and detect potential issues in buildings, making property inspections more thorough and efficient.

8. Green Building Technology

green-house real estate

With a growing focus on environmental conservation and energy efficiency, green building technologies offer innovative solutions that reduce the environmental impact of buildings while providing numerous benefits.

Some key aspects in green building technology include:

  • Energy efficiency. Advanced building systems, such as smart lighting, energy management systems and efficient HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) systems, significantly reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions. Additionally, technologies like solar panels, wind turbines and geothermal systems enable the generation of renewable energy on-site, further reducing reliance on traditional energy sources.
  • Water conservation is another critical component of green building technology. High-efficiency plumbing fixtures, rainwater harvesting systems and greywater recycling technologies help minimize water consumption and reduce strain on local water resources. These solutions not only contribute to sustainable water management but also result in significant cost savings for property owners and occupants.
  • Prioritization of indoor environmental quality and occupant health. Features such as improved ventilation, non-toxic building materials and smart sensors for air quality monitoring ensure a healthy and comfortable living or working environment. This promotes occupant well-being, productivity and satisfaction.
  • In addition, green building technologies incorporate sustainable and recycled materials in construction, reducing the environmental impact of building materials and waste generation. Waste management systems, including recycling and composting, are also integrated into green buildings to minimize landfill waste.

Green buildings often command higher rental and resale values due to their lower operating expenses and positive environmental impact.

9. Crowdfunding Platforms and Fractional Property Investment

women on real estate crowdfunding platforms

Today, with as little as $10 anyone can invest in real estate thanks to innovative real estate concepts such as fractional ownership and crowdfunding platforms. These platforms leverage technology to enable investors to pool their resources and collectively invest in properties that were traditionally inaccessible or required substantial capital.

Real estate crowdfunding platforms connect investors with real estate developers seeking funding for their projects. Through these platforms, investors can browse a variety of investment opportunities, ranging from residential properties to commercial developments. They can review project details, financial projections and risk assessments before deciding to invest. By participating in crowdfunding, investors can access a diverse range of real estate assets and build a diversified portfolio without the need for substantial upfront capital.

Fractional property investment, facilitated by these platforms, allows investors to own a fractional share of a property rather than the entire asset. This fractional ownership model democratizes real estate investing by enabling smaller investors to participate in high-value properties that would otherwise be out of reach. Investors can purchase fractional shares and receive proportional returns based on the property's performance, such as rental income or property appreciation.

These disruptive technologies offer several advantages:

  • They provide increased accessibility to real estate investments, allowing a broader range of individuals to enter the market.
  • Real estate crowdfunding platforms enhance transparency and investor protection. Investors can access detailed information about projects, track their investments, and receive regular updates on property performance.
  • These platforms streamline the investment process, reducing administrative complexities and simplifying transactions.

10. Customer Relationship Management Systems (CRM)

CRM systems offer a centralized platform for organizing and managing customer data, interactions and transactions. These systems provide real estate professionals with a comprehensive view of their clients, including their preferences, transaction history, communication records and other relevant information. By having a holistic understanding of their clients, real estate professionals can personalize their services, anticipate their needs, and deliver a tailored experience. This not only enhances customer satisfaction but also fosters long-term relationships and customer loyalty.

Other ways in which CRM can be useful to real estate professionals include:

  • Streamlining and automating various aspects of customer management. They enable real estate professionals to track leads, manage follow-ups, schedule appointments, and automate communication workflows.
  • Offering robust reporting and analytics capabilities. Real estate professionals can generate reports on sales performance, lead conversion rates and marketing campaigns. These insights help in identifying trends and making data-driven decisions to drive business growth.
  • CRM systems facilitate collaboration and communication within real estate teams. Agents can share client information, assign tasks and collaborate on deals seamlessly.


The real estate industry is undergoing a significant transformation driven by disruptive technology trends. These trends have the potential to reshape how properties are bought, sold, managed and invested in. From virtual tours and online transactions to artificial intelligence and blockchain, technology is enhancing efficiency, transparency and accessibility in the real estate sector.

As these disruptive technology trends continue to evolve, it is crucial for real estate professionals and investors to stay informed and adapt to the changing landscape. If you would like to get into real estate investing or learn more about how to leverage these emerging technologies as a real estate investor or professional, then get in touch with Ila here.

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