Build Wealth in 2 Simple Ways

wealthy person

When contemplating the factors that set the rich apart from the rest, one might assume that investments alone hold the key. However, this notion merely scratches the surface. The rich and the average individuals share common financial elements, including retirement accounts and the need to save money. Similarly, both groups may have various investment assets, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and real estate.

However, what distinguishes them is the way they cultivate their financial ecosystems. These distinct ecosystems yield contrasting financial experiences. This blog delves into the crucial differences that truly matter. Join us as we explore the steps you can take with your finances to ascend the financial ladder.

Key Takeaways
  • The two key moves to build wealth involve offensive strategies, such as boosting earnings and expanding assets, and defensive tactics, such as minimizing expenses and optimizing taxes.
  • Practical steps to wealth building include setting financial goals, creating a written plan or budget, building a retirement fund, establishing an emergency fund, reviewing savings annually, managing debt, building credit, and investing.
  • Working with a financial professional, such as a trusted financial advisor, can provide guidance and maximize investment opportunities for long-term wealth building.

The contents of this article are for educational purposes only. They are not intended to be a source of professional financial advice. You will find experts on financial planning and financial management here. More on disclaimers here.

Why you should build wealth

woman surfing for a wealth building plan

It is no secret that everyone desires to build wealth. However, the reality is that many individuals are not actively pursuing or working towards this goal. For most people, the idea of having wealth remains a mere wish.

This distinction between wanting to build wealth and simply wanting to possess it may hold the key to the problem and its solution. There are significant advantages to actively building wealth rather than passively possessing it.

Let's explore a few compelling reasons that can ignite your motivation to embark on the journey of wealth-building:

A different sense of fulfillment

Building wealth hits differently from having wealth; of course it comes with all the sense of well-being and satisfaction that having wealth brings but it gives even more; the additional sense of having achieved it is a different sort of feeling.

A longer life-span

Moreover, while businesses may fail and structures may crumble, wealth gained is more easily lost. We all know the real life trope of lottery winners losing all their winnings in a very short period of time. And yes there are exceptions, but the exceptions prove (not) undo the rule. Moreover sudden wealth such as received inheritances sometimes go as they quickly come.

Note: the few lottery winners who ever made something off their wins have usually had a coach by their side. If you are towing the line of sudden wealth through the lottery or preparing to receive an inheritance, you may want to open conversations with a trusted financial advisor or certified financial planner. Begin your education in financial planning and wealth handling (and building). Speak with an advisor today.

A lasting legacy

Wealth built also constitutes a legacy to be left behind for future generations. Regardless of how much wealth has been created, to the one who has built wealth, history and posterity will be kind to them.

A warning though: more than money, or a business, or an empire, passing across the wisdom gained, not least through which the wealth is built is far more important. That wisdom and know-how can help heirs rebuild from scratch even if the wealth was lost due to forces that were out of the control of inheritors.

A nice nut to crack

This is an important reason that deserves your contemplation: building wealth is not as hard as you think. Not anymore. Building wealth is easier than ever. While there are still hurdles to jump over, it's much easier to build wealth today than it has ever been in the history of the human race.

2 Ways to Build Wealth

group beginning their wealth building journey

In the journey of wealth building, there are two fundamental factors that play a crucial role: changing returns and changing costs. These factors determine the direction your finances take, and they can be play out into four actions:

1. Increasing Returns on Assets and Investments

One of the key objectives in building wealth is to see your assets and investments generate higher returns over time. This can be achieved through strategies such as wise investment choices, diversification, and taking advantage of market opportunities. By maximizing the returns on your assets, you pave the way for long-term financial growth.

2. Increasing Volume of Expenses and Liabilities

While it's important to focus on increasing your returns, it's equally essential to manage the growth of your expenses and liabilities. As your financial situation improves, there might be a temptation to increase your spending, leading to a rise in expenses and potentially burdensome liabilities. Maintaining discipline and controlling the growth of expenses can prevent them from hindering your wealth-building efforts.

3. Diminishing Returns on Assets and Investments

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, certain assets or investments may experience diminishing returns. This can occur due to market fluctuations, economic downturns, or changing industry dynamics. It's crucial to monitor your investments closely, make informed decisions, and adapt your strategies when needed to mitigate the impact of diminishing returns.

4. Diminishing Costs of Expenses and Liabilities

On the flip side, you have the opportunity to reduce the costs associated with your expenses and liabilities. By implementing effective cost-cutting measures, negotiating better terms, or finding alternatives, you can minimize the financial burden of your expenses. This allows you to allocate more resources towards wealth-building endeavors.

Balancing these forces and processes is the key to building wealth effectively. Much like playing a strategic game or participating in high IQ sports, you can exert control over these factors through two moves: defense and offense.

Starting with offense, which is often considered the best defense, you can take proactive steps to bolster your financial position and increase your chances of wealth accumulation.

Wealth building Moves

wealth building team

Strategic Financial Actions for Wealth Creation:

1. Offensive Moves

Boosting Earnings and Expanding Assets

  • Amplify your income sources: Explore opportunities to increase your earnings through career advancements, side hustles, or entrepreneurial ventures.
  • Save money for the future: Develop a habit of saving a portion of your income regularly to build a solid financial foundation. Either directly as in through a mutual fund or index fund or indirectly through equity firms and peer-to-peer lending.
  • Invest your savings wisely: Put your savings to work by investing in diversified portfolios that align with your risk tolerance and financial goals. Your options include exchange traded funds or mutual funds.
  • Create multiple streams of income: Look for ways to generate additional income, such as rental properties, dividend-paying stocks, or online businesses.
  • Safeguard your assets: Implement risk management strategies like insurance and asset protection to shield your wealth from unforeseen events. Indeed, offense can be a defense, since increasing earnings and income requires redirecting more part of your income such as salary from spending to saving and investing.
2. Defensive Tactics

Minimizing Expenses and Optimizing Taxes

  • Steer clear of high fees and unnecessary charges: Be mindful of the fees associated with financial products and services and choose cost-effective options.
  • Make mindful spending decisions: Practice conscious spending by differentiating between wants and needs, and prioritize essential expenses.
  • Implement ruthless cost-cutting measures: Analyze your expenses meticulously and identify areas where you can reduce costs without compromising your lifestyle.
  • Explore tax reduction strategies: Take advantage of tax benefits. Consult with a tax professional to identify legitimate ways to minimize your tax liabilities and maximize your tax deductions. One way to lower taxes is by leaving most of your income as investments. Indeed, defense can be an offense.
A number of rich folks who are accused of paying little tax are actually enjoying the benefit of having all their money, especially after tax money, in an investment account.

One practical implication of this dual principle is that you must never have more credit card balance than your bank account balance. By implementing these strategic financial actions, you can proactively enhance your financial well-being, strengthen your financial position, and set yourself on a path towards long-term wealth creation and financial stability.

Practical Steps to Wealth Building

wealth building tools

These steps should get you going on the path of wealth creation:

1. Set Financial Goals and Create a Written Plan (Budget)

  • Define your financial goals: Determine what you want to achieve financially, whether it's buying a home, starting a business, or retiring comfortably. Work with specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals.
  • Develop a written plan or budget: Outline your income, expenses, and savings targets. A budget helps you track your spending, make informed financial decisions, and stay on track towards your goals.

2. Build Your Retirement Fund

  • Start early and contribute consistently: Take advantage of retirement savings accounts like 401(k)s or IRAs. Contribute regularly and aim to maximize your retirement account with any employer matching contributions.
  • Diversify your retirement portfolio: Allocate your retirement savings across a mix of investment options, such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, based on your risk tolerance and time horizon.
  • Regularly review and adjust your retirement plan: Monitor your retirement savings progress and make adjustments as needed. Consider consulting with a financial advisor to optimize your retirement strategy.

3. Build an Emergency Fund

  • Prioritize emergency savings: Set aside funds for unexpected expenses like medical bills, car repairs, or job loss. Work towards accruing 3 to 6 months' worth of living expenses in a liquid and easily accessible account.
  • Automate your savings: Establish automatic transfers from your paycheck or checking account to your emergency fund. Automation minimizes any reliance on will power to stay on the task.

4. Revisit Your Savings Once a Year

  • Perform an annual financial check-up: Assess your savings, investments, and overall financial situation. Determine if you're on track to meet your goals or if adjustments are necessary.
  • Review and adjust your budget: Evaluate your spending habits, identify areas for improvement, and make necessary budget adjustments to align with your current financial priorities.

5. Manage Debt and Build Credit: Pay off High-Interest Debt Now

  • Prioritize debt repayment: Focus on paying off high-interest debts first, such as credit cards or personal loans. Consider debt consolidation or negotiation strategies to lower interest rates or payment terms.
  • Build good credit habits: Pay your bills on time, keep credit card balances low, and avoid taking on excessive debt. Go over your credit reports every now and then and address every issue to ensure accuracy.

6. Invest

The purpose of saving and building emergency and retirement funds is to fuel investing as a primary means of wealth building. By setting aside money for unexpected expenses and future retirement needs, individuals create a solid financial foundation that enables them to allocate resources to various investment vehicles.

  • Adapt a long-term approach: take a long-term approach to investing by staying invested in the market and avoiding the temptation to make frequent trades based on short-term market fluctuations. This allows your investments to grow over time and take advantage of compounding returns.
  • Diversify your portfolio: spread out your investments across different asset classes such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and mutual funds. This helps to mitigate risks and maximize potential returns.

7. One More Thing!

Get out and stay out of debt. Necessarily! Even the Holy Book says so.

By following these practical steps, you can establish a strong financial foundation, make progress towards your wealth-building goals, and cultivate healthy financial habits that will benefit you in the long run. Keep in mind that financial success is rarely a sprint. As such, you have a better chance at success when you adopt discipline, patience, and regular evaluation of your financial strategies.

Should I pay off debt or invest?

The decision to pay off debt or invest depends on factors such as interest rates, type of debt, financial goals, risk tolerance, and employer contributions. For example, depending on the type of debt, if the interest rate on your debt is high, it may be more beneficial to prioritize debt repayment as it guarantees a return on investment by reducing the interest burden.

High-interest consumer debt, such as credit card debt, typically carries higher interest rates and should be prioritized for repayment. On the other hand, low-interest debt, such as a mortgage or student loan debt, may allow for a more balanced approach between debt repayment and investing. Taking into account individual circumstances and maintaining a healthy balance is a key to success.

Work with experts

If you wish to build generational wealth, working with a trusted financial advisor will enable you to take maximum advantage of available investment vehicles ranging from stock market and bonds to mutual funds and index funds.

Bay Street Capital Holdings

Bay Street Capital Holdings Logo

Bay Street Capital Holdings, situated in Palo Alto, is a reputable wealth management firm specializing in financial planning, wealth management, and investment advisory services. What sets them apart is their distinctive approach of effectively managing overall risk and volatility, rather than solely focusing on maximizing returns.

Under the leadership of esteemed founder William Huston, who was honored as one of Investopedia's Top 100 Financial Advisors for 2021, Bay Street stands out as one of the two Black-owned firms among the nineteen recognized in California. Their noteworthy collaboration with Resthaven Properties in the real estate industry has earned them a finalist position in the Asset Managers: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion category at the 2023 Industry Awards.

The company's commitment to diversity and support for emerging fund managers and entrepreneurs is evident through their selection as a finalist in the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) category for the Asset Manager in 2021. This recognition came after competing against over 900 firms nationwide, demonstrating their dedication to making a positive social impact.
